Sarasota landscaping protecting Plants in Cold Weather


Posted by admin | Posted in cold weather landscape plants | Posted on 11-01-2010


Sarasota landscaping protecting plants in cold weather is very imortant when we get temperatures below 32 degrees for more than a few hours.  Palm trees in Sarasota like Adonidia and Bottle palms, are damaged by cold weather, if you want to minimize damage make sure to keep your palms and tender plants healthy all year by proper watering habits in Sarasota and adhering to Sarasota County Fertilization rules this will help your palms, landscape and turf through these winter months.  Plants, turf, and trees in Sarsota are in a very plant freindly climate, until we get these very rare cold snaps.  Because we are in a sub tropical zone most foilage is very green and very tender, I find that educating yourself with a few hrs. of reaesrch on the plants,trees and type of turf you have on your property is worth every minute of the time you spend finding out facts like growth characteristics, water requierements, make sure to group plants with the same care needs, such as shade loving plants, of course in the shade, and on the same irrigation zone as all the other shade plants, plants that take full sun do yur best to seperate these plants from shaded areas, please do not think this is too complicated, like I said a few hrs. on line with a visit to your local nursery, and a call to your landscape extension service of Sarasota County for upcoming classes and if the schedule is not in time frame of  your Sarasota landscape project or the care of your already established landscape.  Ask your exstension service for links or on line information and online classes, if your the type that justs wants to hire it out make sure to check refrences, and veiw jobs that they have done.

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