Sarasota landscaping with canopy trees


Posted by admin | Posted in Sarasota tree service | Posted on 20-01-2010

Landscaping with canopy trees in Sarasota Florida is one of the best choices you can make when planning your landscape, or wondering what you can do to enhance your exsisting Sarasota-tree-removallandscape.  After this record setting cold we had here in Sarasota I have noticed that the turf, shrubs, and flowers under the canopy trees were green while landscaping and turf exposed to the falling frost were as brown as over cooked toast.

This is the first year I have noticed so much wide spread damage, especialy to turf in Sarasota from cold weather.  When is the community here in Sarasota going to relize the benifit of large canopy trees, summer it keeps temperature up to twelve degrees cooler, meaning less water for what is in the trees shade zone.  So canopy trees not only give off large amounts of oxygen and help cleanse our air of harmful polutants but lower our temperature’s in the blazing South West Florida summer months, now it is evident that it keeps frost damage to a minimum under the shade ring of the canopy.

Here are some tips on what type of canopy trees to plant, and how to care for them.

Tip one.  Make sure to plant tree in an area where it will have room to grow.  Too close to the house our other structure and you will have to cut it down in the future or hack into it, to where the tree becomes unsightly.

Tip two.  Pick a tree that does well in your area, one of my favorite canopy trees are Live Oaks, if taken care of by thinning the tree out two times per year, when mature it will be one of the biggest assets in terms of value on your home or commercial property. There are many canopy trees other than Oaks, such as Jacaranda trees or royal Ponciana, and many many more.

Tip three water the tree in very good with a pvc pipe attached to your hose, drive the pipe with water running deep into tree ring to make sure that all the air pockets are out of the tree hole.

Tip four.  Make sure to water tree very well for the first six months after planting, start with every day for one week, then every third day after one month and then as needed, it atakes one year for atree to start to root in well.  Fertilize according to tree’s size, after tree establishes it should make it on its own with out any assistants from any fertilizer.

Tip five, plant a tree today, if you have no room or your canopy is up to par, give a friend or family member a tree , its something that will grow in value and generations will be able to enjoy the beautiful canopy it puts over your property.

For more information and many more tips on planting canopy trees in Sarasota, or canopy trees in Venice call me at 941-492-2468 or visit our web site at

You can also visit Orlando tree service.

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