Venice Florida Watering Responsibly


Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 10-02-2012

Watering responsibly in Venice is becoming more than just a responsibility its going to become a way of life, if you care at all about using irrigation to water your turf and landscape in the future.  Walgreen’s here in the State Of Florida is going to the highest technology that is available, Using Hunter IBM clocks, low pressure shut off valves, rain sensors and soil sensors to insure responsible irrigation practices inVenice Florida    along with the entire State Of Florida so that we have water in the future, for younger generations.  If we don’t take steps such as these there will be no water available for new developments, Growing the wonderful vegetables and fruits we have here in the sunshine state.  Along with low pressure shut off switches which by the way shut system down when there is a break in the main line, down stream of main line  or missing nozzle, low pressure shut off valve recognizes drop in operating pressure and shuts water off.  Hunter has also come out with high efficiency nozzles which use the water more efficiently and patters are more correct.  Of course we can use less water just by planting trees in the right areas, using drought tolerant plants.

Using less water in Venice  when watering turf just takes a few important items such as making sure who ever installs irrigation uses the highest quality components, I pre ferRain Bird however Hunter makes good quality irrigation equipment either of these companies will be a good choice.  Use irrigation companies that are not in and out in a flash, installing irrigation takes time to do correctly, such as cleaning all glue joints and using a good quality primer and glue.  Installing pressure regulating valves, using sprinkler heads with check valves in them this way when the system shuts down water does not leak out of heads after system has shut down.  Make sure that proper heads are use installed to cover areas to be water with most efficiency possible.  If you design landscape  make sure irrigation is designed to the landscapes needs, remember plants do grow.  Installing four inch spray heads behind 3 gallon plats is not going to work after plants mature.  Remember watering responsibly in Venice florida is everone that uses water of any kind, recalimed, well water and city or county water.

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